Tag Archive for: education

The Ideal Education by Sir Ken Robinson with Sadguru (video)

  This in-depth, profound and pragmatic conversation, In Conversation with the Mystic (2016) takes a pulse on worldwide, creative holistic education models with expert Sir Ken Robinson and Sadguru. A “must see” discussion for anyone interested in cutting-edge, new-paradigm learning as an organic, conscious evolutionary process … including a...

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Quote by Malcolm X

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X

Ecosystem Restoration Cooperative (video)

  This resource is a short video introducing the Ecosystem Restoration Cooperative and the Ecosystem Restoration Camps. Learn of a self-organizing, direct action to train and deploy people to mitigate and adapt to human-induced climate change by restoring ecological function on a planetary scale. Intro Ecosystem Restoration Cooperative: https://youtu.be/5mAxgCXNmCU

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Buddhist Economics – Essay by EF Schumacher

  The essay “Buddhist Economics” was first published in Asia: A Handbook, edited by Guy Wint, published by Anthony Blond Ltd., London, 1966. In 1973 it was collected with other essays by Ernest Friedrich Schumacher in Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered, published by Blond and Briggs, Ltd. In 1974 Harper and Row (now HarperCollins) printed a North American edition, which

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the cathedral of computation

“We’re not living in an algorithmic culture so much as a computational theocracy. Science and technology have become so pervasive and distorted, they have turned into a new type of theology. Here’s an exercise: The next time you hear someone talking about algorithms, replace the term with “God” and ask yourself if the meaning changes. Our supposedly algorithmic culture is

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sovereignty: the importance of asking questions

  This brief article/resource was researched, compiled and written by the NewEarth University School of Natural Law faculty and staff volunteers as part of its growing library of sovereignty resources.   Whether it be questions directed at oneself in the form of self-inquiry or questions directed at those who seek to subvert one’s inherent sovereignty, the art of asking questions is

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rabindranath tagore on education (article)

  For your learning and inspiration, this link leads to a good article about the great Rabindranath Tagore presented by Kathleen M. O’Connell.  Learn also of his perspective on Education, written in his own words.  http://infed.org/mobi/rabindranath-tagore-on-education/ (NEU Meeting Photo, a few Fellows & Faculty, Mansion Hotel, Bali, Indonesia 2019)

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the monroe institute (website)

  This inspiring educational resource is The Monroe Institute’s comprehensive portal chock-full of info, all started by Robert A Monroe, a pioneer in human consciousness with a legacy affecting millions.  Note: Link takes you out of the NEU site: https://www.monroeinstitute.org/ (Labyrinth Photo by Dr N Ash from her private collection.)

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