Buddhist Economics – Essay by EF Schumacher


The essay “Buddhist Economics” was first published in Asia: A Handbook, edited by Guy Wint, published by Anthony Blond Ltd., London, 1966. In 1973 it was collected with other essays by Ernest Friedrich Schumacher in Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered, published by Blond and Briggs, Ltd. In 1974 Harper and Row (now HarperCollins) printed a North American edition, which has been in print ever since. The book went on to be translated into 27 different languages and in 1995 was named by the London Times Literary Supplement as one of the hundred most influential books written after World War II.

Following the events of September 11, 2001, the Schumacher Center for a New Economics received requests from around the world to reprint “Buddhist Economics,” widely understood as a call for an economics of peace. Our thanks to his widow, Vreni Schumacher, and Hartley and Marks Publishers for their permission to include the essay in the pamphlet An Economics of Peace.

Read article at Schumacher Center for A New Economics: https://centerforneweconomics.org/publications/buddhist-economics

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