Tag Archive for: consciousness & spirituality

Rise of The Essence and The Eternal Reclamation by Dave Emery

  Rise of The Essence and The Eternal Reclamation. Earth’s New Pathway into Light. Humanity’s Hidden Heart of Ascension. By Dave Emery, Fellow at NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality    In every moment now many Angelic humans are expanding their awareness of who they are and of their special collective – and personal – purpose here on Earth. We

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Our Inner Actors by Margret Rueffler, PhD (book)

  Our Inner Actors: The Theory and Application of Subpersonality Work in Psychosynthesis, is an 83-page book by Dr. Margret Rueffler, faculty member at NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality. Gratitude to Dr. Margret for sharing with us this helpful book for free. Click to download your book PDF: NEU – OUR INNER ACTORS PDF BOOK    

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