Tag Archive for: Buddhism

Yoginitantra: The Secret Chakra Teachings of Buddhism

  Yoginitantra: The Secret Chakra Teachings of Buddhism by Lama D     Many people ask me for Buddhist Tantric Sex practices. “Tantra” is widely believed to be sexual rituals and practices. But this could not be further from the truth. Tantric practices are for one purpose, to achieve enlightenment. I wish to clarify this point and dispel misunderstanding, to

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What Is Enlightenment?

  What Is Enlightenment? Breaking the Cycle of Death and Rebirth by Lama D (Note: gratitude to the author for including his photos and graphics from his private collection.)   Many people ask me how to raise spiritual awareness. Others ask me if “Ascension” is the same as “Enlightenment”. Well, it all depends on your goal. In this article I

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Buddhist Economics – Essay by EF Schumacher

  The essay “Buddhist Economics” was first published in Asia: A Handbook, edited by Guy Wint, published by Anthony Blond Ltd., London, 1966. In 1973 it was collected with other essays by Ernest Friedrich Schumacher in Small Is Beautiful: Economics As If People Mattered, published by Blond and Briggs, Ltd. In 1974 Harper and Row (now HarperCollins) printed a North American edition, which

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Quote by Milarepa

Mental activity in the daytime creates a latent form of habitual thought which again transforms itself at night into various delusory visions sensed by the semi-consciousness. This is called the deceptive and magic-like Bardo of Dream. Milarepa

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