Tag Archive for: astrology

Unveiling the Buddha/Christ Heart Cosmic Wesak Moon

  Article (and artwork) by Dr Swan Montague   This upcoming full moon might be the most powerful in living memory. This lunar eclipse falls on Wesak, the three-day festival when souls on many planes make the long and great pilgrimage to Shambhala. Below the pyramid shaped mountain at Lake Manasarowar, pilgrims cleanse themselves for days in the lake’s pristine

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New Year / New Beginnings … We’re in This Together

    By Angela Kirby, Faculty, NewEarth University School of The Living Arts (Note: Ascension Artwork #63 by Angela KIRBY © 2022 courtesy of the author)     Here we are on our 2022 journey juxtaposed with remnants of past and connection with future lives that we have and to be travelled. I’ve listened to many 2022 Astrology reports –

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