Researched, compiled and written by faculty members of the NewEarth University School of Health & Wellness ~
conception, pregnancy, birth & dying are conscious arts in health & wellness sovereignty
We invite all to join with us …
in a movement to explore, develop, and foster best practices and endeavors that ensure care, nurturance, and respect to each human being – honoring and supporting the instinctual and intuitive sovereign intelligence within each of us, to experience seminal transitional gateways.
what is not working must be changed
At NewEarth University’s School of Health & Wellness, two core disciplines stand sentinel to our wellbeing: Conscious Birth & Dying and Wellness Sovereignty. Faculty, staff and associated fellows are dedicated women and men consciously putting forth principles rooted in a radical understanding of earth and spirit that hold the potential to transform humanity.
“While I thought that I was learning how to live, I have been learning how to die.”
– Leonardo da Vinci
Conscious welcoming & fare-welling of souls into, and from, our earthly world must become a most urgent and focused art. Indeed, birth and the primal period beginning before conception are key to human development. The same is true of a dignified, peaceful, and fulfilling transition of death.
Both birth and death need to be cradled in an intimate environment akin to a spiritual retreat and in deep resonance with nature. It is paramount for family, friends, and professionals to respect the solemnity of such sovereign portals, empowering their loved ones to cross these intense thresholds, protecting the privacy and sacredness of their immediate environment.
Science is now proving what Ancient Traditions revealed: The lifelong relevance of a pregnant mother’s environment for the baby’s optimal neurophysiology and microbioma after a vaginal birth.
Likewise, modern physics and psychology now support what ancient wisdom has taught about dying and death: The portal known as death is but a transformation… a transitional sovereign journey beyond this experience into another dimension.

With the supremacy of patriarchy, birth and death – two most sacred aspects of our human journey – have been trivialized, marginalized, and pervaded by fear. Throughout history, we have experienced a dismal, ubiquitous, and domineering status quo. Power and domination have led to the suppression of the feminine. We have lost the sense of ourselves as part of a much greater organism. With that loss came the loss of respect, careful observation, deep inquiry, and wonder.
Generation after generation, children have lived in the womb, were born, and grew their brains in fear rather than trust. Childrearing practices have taught shame and disconnection from our bodies, while the power and beauty of death has long ago fallen into oblivion. Our losses include connection to the earth, to each other, to our soul and to the Cosmos.
At NEU our goals and objectives are to change all of that.
united – in health & wellness sovereignty – we hold the power to transcend humanity
Explore the NewEarth movement ABCs of art, beauty and conscious supplanting fear, time and money by visiting the NewEarth University’s School of Health & Wellness. Emaho!