School of Natural Law Welcomes New Fellow

NewEarth University’s School of Natural Law is honored to announce that faculty, Sir John Walsh of Brannagh has wholeheartedly accepted the invitation to join as a distinguished NEU Fellow focused in the area of Natural Justice.

Sir John, a longtime friend of the NewEarth Project, is the first Chief Justice of one of Humanitad Foundation’s major initiatives, the unprecedented International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ).  He is a devoted champion of human rights for the people and by the people presently engaged in the ITNJ’s Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse.

As an astonishing exemplar – a powerful activist with many decades of outstanding service to help others – we are thrilled to recognize Sir John as an esteemed colleague and honored Fellow of the NewEarth University.  May right be done!

~ Welcome Sir John Walsh ~

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