
Anne Jensen, MSc, DC, PhD (Faculty)

Health & Wellness Professor School of Health & Wellness


HeartSpeak Innovator, Ann Jensen, DC, ICSSD, PGCert, PGDip, MSc, DPhil

Dr Anne Jensen is a forward-thinking healer with a PhD in Evidence-based Health Care from the University of Oxford.  She has been a student of human behaviour and emotion since she was on this planet.  Through her diverse background in mindbody wellness, chiropractic and psychology, her empathic ability to observe with a sense of curiosity, she developed HeartSpeak, a unique and powerful stress-reduction tool.

Note: The HeartSpeak Lite course is now available here at NEU (under main-menu COURSES); and Dr. Jensen is currently (2021) developing related Workshop curriculum for the NewEarth University.

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