
Ann Ralles, DDS (Faculty)


Dr. Ann Ralles practiced dentistry for 25 years after graduating from University of Nebraska dental College. She earned board certification in Orofacial Pain in 1993 and worked in pain clinics helping patients with TMJ, head and facial pain.

She recently has chosen to live closer to the land and lives with her husband on a small farm in southwestern Wisconsin.

There she began studying a new trajectory in science which can be called “Life Energy Physics”. She became a leader in the worldwide “Arks of Fire” initiative sponsored by the NewEarth Project, and is currently a Faculty Advisor at the NewEarth University’s School of Socio-Economics and Ecology (discipline of Ecology & Regeneration).

Soon thereafter, she discovered Dr. Karim’s paradigm-changing work in Biogeometry recognizing its potential for harmonization of the planetary environment and for life-changing personal empowerment. Fascinated by the re-kindling of ancient science, she pursued advanced study and became a Certified Associate Home Practitioner of Biogeometry.


Consider Dr. Ann’s complimentary mini-course about Agnihotra,

which she generously created for NEU

Click to study mini-course: Arks of Fire



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