Divine Light Training

Divine Light Christess-Christ Training Course

Dear Student, Greetings! This is your NewEarth University (NEU) Main Course ENTRY Page for a Divine Light Christess-Christ Training Course taught by Dr. Swan Montague. The entire course is accessed here at NEU. There are no Zoom-link emails sent. Follow professor’s protocols. THIS Course Page gives you access into 6 Class Pages as teachings progress weekly. Initially (upon successful tuition enrollment)

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Divine Light Training – Pendulum Mapping Workshop by Swan Montague

Dear Student, Greetings! This is your NewEarth University (NEU) ENTRY Page for an online Divine Light Training Pendulum Mapping: Dowsing for Direct Divine Connection Workshop REPLAY by Dr. Swan Montague. Enrolled students have course/workshop access below. This 3-hour Workshop was presented live! (recorded by NEU’s School of C & S). Dr Swan’s video REPLAY is embedded for study AT her Workshop – Welcome

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