Divine Light Christess-Christ Training Course

Dear Student, Greetings! This is your NewEarth University (NEU) Main Course ENTRY Page for a Divine Light Christess-Christ Training Course taught by Dr. Swan Montague. The entire course is accessed here at NEU. There are no Zoom-link emails sent. Follow professor’s protocols. THIS Course Page gives you access into 6 Class Pages as teachings progress weekly. Initially (upon successful tuition enrollment) you have access to CLASS 1 – WELCOME PAGE.

Important Online Navigation Once you’ve read Dr. Swan’s Class 1 Page content, click there at its bottom-left small box: Mark Complete. From taking that key action… THIS page – upon your return – shows at top-left ↑ NEU Course Status: In Progress .. OR later: Completed, depending on your progress through the online course. AFTER Class 1 on Zoom ends … Class Page 2 is available. Below ↓ once you’ve clicked, Mark Complete, Class 1 will show: Status GREEN √ check-mark. For classes 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 you have access AFTER Zoom. So, you’ll take simple action-steps during this online course to advance through.

Friendly reminder: If you ever have issue – clicking into class below – you may not be logged-in at NEU with account credentials, especially if on a new device. Thank you for studying at NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality. InJoy the Course.


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