Tag Archive for: unlearning

The Ideal Education by Sir Ken Robinson with Sadguru (video)

  This in-depth, profound and pragmatic conversation, In Conversation with the Mystic (2016) takes a pulse on worldwide, creative holistic education models with expert Sir Ken Robinson and Sadguru. A “must see” discussion for anyone interested in cutting-edge, new-paradigm learning as an organic, conscious evolutionary process … including a...

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rabindranath tagore on education (article)

  For your learning and inspiration, this link leads to a good article about the great Rabindranath Tagore presented by Kathleen M. O’Connell.  Learn also of his perspective on Education, written in his own words.  http://infed.org/mobi/rabindranath-tagore-on-education/ (NEU Meeting Photo, a few Fellows & Faculty, Mansion Hotel, Bali, Indonesia 2019)

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