Tag Archive for: the banksters

modern money mechanics (bank reserve workbook – pdf)

  Modern Money Mechanics is an actual 50 page document produced and distributed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago explaining fractional reserve banking.  A PDF booklet subtitled,  A Workbook on Bank Reserves and Deposit Expansion, explains how they create money out of thin air and play roulette with the economies of the world.  (Fiat Currency Photo courtesy, Dr Nancy Ash, from

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the bankster diaries by ambassador james gilmore

  The Bankster Diaries by the beloved late Ambassador James Bernard Gilmore Learn more about this stunning book at its Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thebanksterdiaries/?fref=ts Related article from the NE Blog: https://newearth.media/presenting-bankster-diaries/ Website: https://banksterdiaries.com/

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