Tag Archive for: spiritual books

Re-Membering by Margret Rueffler, PhD (book)

  Re-Membering: The Experiences & Tales of SheSoul, is a 47-page book (PDF) by Dr. Margret Rueffler, faculty member at NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality. Gratitude to Dr. Margret for sharing with us this free inspiring resource. Click to download your book (PDF): NEU GIFT_ RE-MEMBERING BOOK_Rueffler final    

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Be Here Now by Ram Dass (classic book)

Be Here Now by Ram Dass (website link for book download from Internet Archive) Be Here Now Note: Currently the book may be in website form only, download and extract the .zip and open the index.html via a web browser to read the book. An ocean of gratitude for the author for sharing this precious resource at Internet Archive.

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The I Ching (classic book)

  The I Ching (Book of Changes) Sacred Books of the East (edited by F. Max Müller) 2nd Edition translated by James Legge. This precious resource is accessed direct at the link: I Ching Book

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Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson (classic book)

  Emerson spoke out against materialism, the belief that material or physical things—not spiritual—are the most important. He also stood up against formal religion, and slavery (“I will not obey it, by God.”) Emerson, however, was not merely against certain things; he both preached and modeled a positive attitude. He became America’s leading transcendentalist (a person who believes that reality

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the kybalion: classic spiritual book of ancient hermetic philosophy

  Four your inspiration and study, this site is devoted to The Kybalion: A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece by Three Initiates.  It has all 7 Chapters accessed, and there are also Adverts for a PDF download free for this profound, classic spiritual book. Follow the prompts as instructed. The website IS Copyrighted.  http://www.kybalion.org/ (Ancient

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