Tag Archive for: Soul Ascension

2 spiritual science books from david wilcock – shift of the ages; science of oneness

  Free access to two seminal books from modern day spiritual scientist, David Wilcock.  Shift of The Ages: Convergence Volume 1 by Wilcock is an overview of the Convergence material.  Click link for direct access at the Divine Cosmos portal.  Gratitude to David for open-sourcing this 21-chapter book. http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/books-free-online/18-the-shift-of-the-ages The Science of Oneness: Convergence Volume 2 by Wilcock continues the

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divine cosmos – david wilcock – free books (website)

  This interesting resource is a comprehensive, up-to-date website, the official online home for the work of David Wilcock – author, lecturer and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy.  Within the site are free pages of scientific and spiritual information about soul growth, Ascension and the evolution of consciousness. Presently (as of 2019)

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