Tag Archive for: society

political ponerology by andrew m. lobaczewski

Political Ponerology, a science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes, is an analysis of what Andrew Lobaczewski calls Macro-social Evil: large scale evil that overtakes whole societies and nations, and has done so again and again since time immemorial. When man contemplates history, as it is, he is forced to realize that he is in the iron grip

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Regenerative Society (article)

This resource takes you into the website, commonstransition.org for an article entitled: TOWARD REGENERATIVE SOCIETY: PLAN FOR RAPID TRANSITION For access place the URL into your browser:  http://commonstransition.org/toward-regenerative-society-plan-for-rapid-transition/ To achieve a truly inclusive transition, it’s essential to offer an ecology of proposals utilizing different metaphors and appealing to different cultures.

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