Compiled by Naomi Cook, former NEU Seedbank Volunteer Coordinator at the School of Socio-Economics & Ecology (2019) What is Seed Sovereignty? We are familiar with the concept of human sovereignty but how about seeds? Here is a definition of Seed Sovereignty, a term first used by activist and Global Seed Ambassador, Vandana Shiva Navdanya: “Seed sovereignty reclaims seeds and biodiversity as commons
Tag Archive for: seedbank articles
seed sovereignty through world seed banks
Researched, collated and written by the faculty, associated fellows and staff of the Ecology & Regeneration discipline at NewEarth University’s School of Socio-Economics & Ecology Seed Sovereignty is… Learning to Save Our Seeds NewEarth University’s faculty, fellows and staff have engaged in doing some research to help establish a Global Network of Seed Sanctuaries by creating a database of