Tag Archive for: SARS-COV-2

CoV-19 Research Paper ’22 by Dr Robert O Young, CPT, MSc, DSc, PhD

  An ocean of gratitude to NEU School of Health & Wellness Fellow, Dr. Robert O. Young for giving permission to share his seminal 14-page published research paper in NEU’s free Library.  MUST SEE! Study his in-depth eye-opening research: Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines, published August ’22 at ACTA Scientific Medical Sciences: CLICK LINK Dr

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NEU Intelligence Brief on Covid-19 Global Situation

  June, 2020 ~ MUST READ: The NewEarth University (NEU) COVID-19 INTELLIGENCE BRIEF prepared by Thomas J. Brown, NEU Fellow and Faculty associated with the School of Science & Design Innovation. This is a seminal paper (of 47 pages) that is informed from primary sources, with a distillation of data contrary to the official 2020 global narrative. This brief is from the

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