Tag Archive for: rudolf steiner

The “Michael Prophecy” by Dr. Robert Gilbert

  The “Michael Prophecy”: Who We Are and Why We Are Here by Dr. Robert Gilbert, PhD This article, excerpted from the online course: Spiritual Empowerment, reveals one of the great secrets of the Rosicrucian tradition: That we are living in the time of the Greatest Mass Incarnation of Spiritual Initiates in Human History. To learn more about longtime NEU

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association of waldorf schools of north america

  Link to the comprehensive official website for, Association of Waldorf Schools of North America. Founded in the early 20th century, Waldorf Education is based on the insights, teachings, and principles of education outlined by renowned artist, and scientist, Rudolf Steiner.  These inspiring new-paradigm learning principles align with the ethos of the NewEarth University.

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