Tag Archive for: resourced economy

capitalism nature socialism: development against freedom & sustainability by debal deb

  Debal Deb’s book excerpt (PDF) was added by Namjen, a former NEU staff researcher.  It is common understanding among natural scientists that if development means unlimited growth in production and consumption of materials, sustainable development is an oxymoron.  That’s because unending growth of anything in the universe is impossible except perhaps the universe itself.  In ecological economic parlance, sustainable

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Synthropic Agriculture (Agro-forestry or Agro-Ecology)

  Learn of Syntropic Agriculture and the remarkable field known today as Agro-Forestry (AgroForestry) or Agro-Ecology (AgroEcology) from proponent Ernst Götsch. We must work together to prevent our civilization’s depletion of our precious resources. Discover more (articles) at this website by placing the URL into your browser:   http://agendagotsch.com

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