Tag Archive for: physics

Sarkar’s Microvita Cosmology Astrophysics

  Microvita: A comprehensive website with videos on the astrophysics and cosmology of microvita.  Microvita.com is solely dedicated to the study and dissemination of Shrii P.R. Sarkar’s discourses on microvita theory and cosmology. Place the URL in your web-browser: http://www.microvita.info/ This resource was submitted to your free Library by NewEarth longtime volunteer, Ryan Boyd

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sankhya holistic science physics theory (website)

  An interesting, comprehensive resource website with many articles and PDFs to assist your studies into holistic scientific physics theory of Sankhya by G. Srinivasan. Note: link takes you out of the NEU Library: http://www.kapillavastu.com/ (Rainbow Sky Photo by Dr N Ash from her private collection.)

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Orchestrated Objective Reduction – Discovery of Quantum Vibrations Corroborates Consciousness Theory

  From Physics.org ~ EXCERPT: Update of a controversial (now a 27-year-old) theory of consciousness (published in Physics of Life Reviews) which claims that consciousness derives from deeper level, finer scale activities inside brain neurons. The recent discovery of quantum vibrations in “microtubules” inside brain neurons corroborates the theory, suggesting that EEG rhythms (brain waves) also derive from deeper level microtubule

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physicist thomas campbell – my big toe (website)

  This resource is the comprehensive website of renowned author and physicist, Thomas Campbell:  https://www.my-big-toe.com/ Once at the homepage, gratitude to Tom for kindly sharing a hotlink to his 2016 downloadable PDF Powerpoint slides, REALITY 102, used during one of his physics experiment presentations. Painting by Jane Evershed.

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physicist david bohm society (website)

  This educational resource link leads to the comprehensive David Bohm Society website, which features the theoretical physicist’s many books and articles:  http://dbohm.com/index.html (Twilight Balloons Photo courtesy of Dr N Ash, from her private collection.)

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