Tag Archive for: new economics

the tribe of awakening sovereignty (website)

  In alliance with the New Earth Nation (featured photo), this new organization The Tribe of Awakening Sovereignty is a collective embodiment of Unconditional Love empowering the Human Race with effortless access to all forms of nourishment and tools for mental, physical, and spiritual Sovereignty.

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schumacher center for a new economics

  The Schumacher Center for a New Economics’ mission is to educate the public about an economics that supports both people and the planet.  They believe that a fair and sustainable economy is possible and that citizens working for the common interest can build systems to achieve it.  The center recognizes that the environmental and equity crises we now face

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basic income earth network (website)

  This economics resource is a website to a unique charitable and educational organization BIEN, Basic Income European Network, (now Earth rather than European) which is about “Basic Income” – a periodic cash payment unconditionally delivered to all on an individual basis, without means-test or work requirement. From the site here is the HISTORY of BASIC INCOME (Money, Money, Money

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