Tag Archive for: new earth theological university

Six Pillars of NewEarth Spirituality

  The Six Pillars: An Introduction The NewEarth University (NEU)—zero-point UN-Learning arm of the worldwide NewEarth Movement—is re-framing spirituality as an energetic source-code and driving force for profound social change. NEU’s Spirituality discipline in its School of Consciousness & Spirituality is not suggesting a means of transcending out of the world, i.e., setting one’s sights on a distant Heaven or

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new paradigm learning undergraduate, grad & postgrad courses at netu

new paradigm learning undergraduate, grad & postgrad courses at netu

  New Earth Theological University (NETU) is a unique online degree-granting school in alliance with the ethos of NewEarth University. Originally founded as a seminary by its former President, it has morphed through the years into a fresh, new paradigm learning community with modern theological curriculum rooted in Oneness based on the all-inclusive Interspiritual movement.  Some NETU professors and instructors are

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