Tag Archive for: natural resources

ecosystems as resources by neu faculty, gail bennington (powerpoint)

  This 24-page presentation was created in 2014 by NEU faculty science curriculum advisor, Gail Bennington for her high school students in New York, USA.  It focuses on natural ecosystems as resources with conservation and protection at the fore.  This powerpoint PDF is Chapter 12, excerpted from her full course exploring the environmental sciences. NEU_Ecosystems as Resources_Gail Bennington_Powerpt Presentation  

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rainwater harvesting for drylands and beyond by brad lancester

  The site, harvestingrainwater.org features all of Brad Lancester’s work including his award-winning bookseries, Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond with the goal of empowering clients and his community to make positive change in their own lives and yards, by harvesting and enhancing free on-site resources such as water, sun, wind, shade, and more. Books (available for purchase) explain what

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