Tag Archive for: justice

international tribunal for natural justice – the ITNJ (article)

Researched, compiled and written by NEU volunteer faculty and staff at the School of Natural Law: We live in a world where government and finance has taken over every part of our lives – elected representatives are working for corporations funding their campaigns, police use violence towards the public in the interest of “public safety,” and what we are told

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8th fire – first nation relationships

WHAT IS THE 8TH FIRE? 8TH Fire draws from an Anishinaabe prophecy that declares now is the time for Aboriginal peoples and the settler community to come together and build the ‘8TH Fire’ of justice and harmony. For more information: http://www.cbc.ca/8thfire/

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unkommonlaw by karl lentz – law resources

Karl Lentz: Bringing Law to the People Karl Lentz’s child was taken away from him by the state (in the USA) for having Down’s syndrome! He decided to learn the Law for himself as clearly the lawyers couldn’t help. Karl learned how to get a court of record and to move the court.  He realized his child was classed as

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the itnj – people’s law library

Visit the International Tribunal for Natural Justice website:  ITNJ People’s Library which provides links to resources for further research of topics relevant to the knowledge-base necessary for a full comprehension of the history of law. The ITNJ is an initiative of the NewEarth Project. The ITNJ belongs to the People and is not controlled by any nation, state, corporation, or

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