Tag Archive for: Ian Sutton

co-operation is the key: plant succession (pdf)

Co-operation is the Key: Plant Succession, is an 11-page illustrated PDF, was submitted to the NewEarth Project in 2016 by Kevin Gaia of Australia with the author’s (Ian Sutton’s) kind permission to share this resource. CLICK HERE to download Co-operation is the Key_PLANT SUCCESSION

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hydrology – water is life (pdf)

(Note: This 19 page PDF ecology resource was researched and written by Ian Sutton; and submitted with the author’s permission to the NewEarth University by Kevin Gaia, 2016.) Pilliga Push Camp – Declaration of Peaceful Direct Action The Pilliga Push Camp is committed to protecting the waters of the Great Artesian Basin (GAB) and Murray Darling Basin by educating, uniting

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principles of natural gardening & farming (pdf)

  Principles of Natural Gardening & Farming by Ian Sutton, Equilibrium Eco Services Inc. Copyright © Ian Sutton 2006 Equilibrium is pleased to allow this material to be reproduced in whole or part, provided the meaning is unchanged, and its source, publisher and authorship are acknowledged.  Submitted in 2016 by Kevin Gaia of Australia to the NewEarth University for educational

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