Meet esteemed NEU Fellow, Jeffrey Smith: THE Voice today championing NON-GMOs. He is a world leading expert and best selling author exposing the dangerous truth about GMOs (genetically modified organisms), negative health effects of GMO foods, Monsanto, and the use of harmful pesticides. The man who broke Monsanto,...
Tag Archive for: GMOs
Jeffrey Smith – Expert on NON-GMOs (NEU Fellow)
manifesto on the future of seeds – pdf book in 3 languages

The Manifesto on the Future of Seeds PDF outlines ways and means to strengthen and accelerate the movement toward sustainable agriculture, food sovereignty, biodiversity and agricultural diversity and help defend the rights of farmers to save, share, use and improve seeds, as well as to enhance our collective capacity to adapt to the hazards and uncertainties of environmental and
toxic wheat article
gmo toxicity interview with genetics engineer thierry vrain

Mother Earth News: Understanding Glyphosate Toxicity: An Interview with Genetic Engineer Thierry Vrain
gmo video
Thierry Vrain, PhD Engineered Food and Your Health, The Nutritional Status of GMOs