Tag Archive for: globalization

Secret History of the American Empire by John Perkins

  The Secret History of the American Empire is the sequel to the book, Confessions of an Economic Hitman: Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and the Truth About Global Corruption (See an extensive Appendix of helpful resources.) John Perkins is the author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, a startling expose of international corruption that spent more than a year on The

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Global Power – Investigative Economic History

  Andrew Gavin Marshall created a very comprehensive series of 5 resources in 2009. He’s been a research associate with the Centre for Research on Globalization CRG). Note: Each Part links into a different page with extensive notes. We are most grateful for the sharing of this stunning research for our free library. Put URL in your web-browser to learn

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pdf book / the great transition: a tale of how it turned out right

A Report by the New Economics Foundation (NEF) based in the United Kingdom. Humanity appears caught in a trap with no way out. We are facing a series of interlinked systemic problems – consuming beyond our planetary limits; untenable inequality; growing economic instability and a breakdown in the relationship between ‘more’ and ‘better’. The only way to overcome these systemic

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small is beautiful – pdf book excerpts from e.f. schumacher

“Since there is now increasing evidence of environmental deterioration, particularly in living nature, the entire outlook and methodology of economics is being called into question. The study of economics is too narrow and too fragmentary to lead to valid insights, unless complemented and completed by a study of meta-economics . . .” Buddhist Economics (Part 4 Essay) & A Question

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open source intelligence news from james corbett

To read alternative news, current articles and/or watch video reports, please visit the corbett report website

global research – the center for research on globalization

The Global Research website publishes news articles, commentary, background research and analysis on a broad range of issues, focusing on social, economic, strategic and environmental issues. The global research website was established two days before the tragic events of 9/11. A few days later it had become a major news source on the New World Order and Washington’s “war on terrorism”. Global

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