Tag Archive for: free PDFs

Through the Heart to the Soul by Margret Rueffler, PhD (free book)

  Through the Heart to the Soul: The New Awareness, is a 75-page book by Margret Rueffler, PhD, senior faculty member at NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality. An ocean of gratitude to your professor Dr. Margret for gifting the entire University ecosystem with this inspiring resource – free. Click-lick below to download and access your book PDF: NEU GIFT_THROUGH

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library genesis – free books & articles resource data base

  This site offers a large (millions) updated data base of resources as a free repository for PDF books and articles for your research.  Simply visit and search to your heart’s content for magazines, scientific articles, comics, fiction, standards, etc. at: http://gen.lib.rus.ec/ An example:  NEU staff entered, “stem cells” in the search-area after ticking the category, scientific articles.  These hotlinked

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intro to the philosophy of law by roscoe pound (book)

  Available in many online Libraries, this law resource is a book by Nathan Roscoe Pound, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law (downloadable PDF version) from 1921-22 available as Fair Use Text in the Public Domain solely for educational and academic study purposes, featuring talks delivered before the Law School of Yale University in Connecticut as the William L.Storrs

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