Tag Archive for: free books

Through the Heart to the Soul by Margret Rueffler, PhD (free book)

  Through the Heart to the Soul: The New Awareness, is a 75-page book by Margret Rueffler, PhD, senior faculty member at NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality. An ocean of gratitude to your professor Dr. Margret for gifting the entire University ecosystem with this inspiring resource – free. Click-lick below to download and access your book PDF: NEU GIFT_THROUGH

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Internet Archive Free Digital Library Books (website)

  NOTE: NEU, solely operating as an inspirational, educational community, supports Internet Archive where you may access valuable digital books to study.  The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, is building a digital library of sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form.  Gratitude to this organization helping all to read more books! CAVEAT: Please be advised.. Some content available through

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library genesis – free books & articles resource data base

  This site offers a large (millions) updated data base of resources as a free repository for PDF books and articles for your research.  Simply visit and search to your heart’s content for magazines, scientific articles, comics, fiction, standards, etc. at: http://gen.lib.rus.ec/ An example:  NEU staff entered, “stem cells” in the search-area after ticking the category, scientific articles.  These hotlinked

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Re-Membering by Margret Rueffler, PhD (book)

  Re-Membering: The Experiences & Tales of SheSoul, is a 47-page book (PDF) by Dr. Margret Rueffler, faculty member at NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality. Gratitude to Dr. Margret for sharing with us this free inspiring resource. Click to download your book (PDF): NEU GIFT_ RE-MEMBERING BOOK_Rueffler final    

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necessary illusions by noam chomsky (ebook)

  Necessary Illusions is written by longtime ITNJ supporter and luminary, Noam Chomsky.  A downloadable book concerned with thought control, as conducted through the agency of the national media and related elements of the elite intellectual culture. NOTE: link takes you out of the NEU site:  Necessary Illusions Gratitude to the author and the Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, building

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babylonian and assyrian laws, contracts and letters (PDF book)

  This 1904 book (PDF), Babylonian and Assyrian Laws, Contracts and Letters by CHW Johns, MA was shared online and is downloadable for your Fair Use educational study by the Philadelphia Divinity School. We are grateful for this noble effort to advance wisdom-knowledge in this arena by leading scholars in the USA and Europe. From the Library of Ancient Inscriptions,

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divine cosmos – david wilcock – free books (website)

  This interesting resource is a comprehensive, up-to-date website, the official online home for the work of David Wilcock – author, lecturer and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy.  Within the site are free pages of scientific and spiritual information about soul growth, Ascension and the evolution of consciousness. Presently (as of 2019)

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Be Here Now by Ram Dass (classic book)

Be Here Now by Ram Dass (website link for book download from Internet Archive) Be Here Now Note: Currently the book may be in website form only, download and extract the .zip and open the index.html via a web browser to read the book. An ocean of gratitude for the author for sharing this precious resource at Internet Archive.

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The I Ching (classic book)

  The I Ching (Book of Changes) Sacred Books of the East (edited by F. Max Müller) 2nd Edition translated by James Legge. This precious resource is accessed direct at the link: I Ching Book

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Is Science Western in Origin? by C.K. Raju (PDF)

  To access this work, click the link: Is Science Western In Origin EXCERPT: In his densely argued essay, Raju makes mincemeat of the received view of the Greek origins of science. The story of the Greek origins of science, Raju argues, can nowhere be found ‘from the beginning of the Christian Dark Age to the beginning of the Crusades’.

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Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson (classic book)

  Emerson spoke out against materialism, the belief that material or physical things—not spiritual—are the most important. He also stood up against formal religion, and slavery (“I will not obey it, by God.”) Emerson, however, was not merely against certain things; he both preached and modeled a positive attitude. He became America’s leading transcendentalist (a person who believes that reality

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