Tag Archive for: forgotten history

ancient megaliths, historic sites (website)

  This comprehensive website is related to a different “New Earth” YouTube channel that is featured in another resource here in the NewEarth University Library.  Megaliths.org leads to a plethora of organized historic, ancient archaeological resources of various kinds (including maps) for your continued studies into the reality of our world, ie, unveiling our true history. (Photo courtesy of Dr

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Federici’s Book: Caliban and the Witch

  A resource shared for educational and research purposes. Book review by Alex Knight: Silvia Federici’s brilliant Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation, (2004) tells – in 288 pages – the dark saga of the Witch Hunt that consumed Europe for more than 200 years. In uncovering this forgotten history, Federici exposes the origins of capitalism

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