Tag Archive for: Ecosystems

ecosystems as resources by neu faculty, gail bennington (powerpoint)

  This 24-page presentation was created in 2014 by NEU faculty science curriculum advisor, Gail Bennington for her high school students in New York, USA.  It focuses on natural ecosystems as resources with conservation and protection at the fore.  This powerpoint PDF is Chapter 12, excerpted from her full course exploring the environmental sciences. NEU_Ecosystems as Resources_Gail Bennington_Powerpt Presentation  

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integrated biodiversity conservation plan (ibcp) – adverse impacts

With a whole-systems assessment of all undertakings, faculty members of the Ecology & Regeneration discipline at NewEarth University’s School of Socio-Economics & Ecology, endeavor to consider each element within a given environment, and orient construction towards solutions accordant with regeneration, symbiosis and ecological reverence. assessment of potential negative impacts on site & lcap “Habitat loss and degradation create the biggest

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