Douglas Linman, PhD, is a Solar Energy Science Innovator and co-founder of MQ – Molecular Quartermasters. He is a pioneer behind the leap in electro-chemistry and nanoscience capturing solar energy in a new way – and delivering it as Liquid Power. Former NewEarth University fellow and faculty member...
Tag Archive for: dr. doug linman
essence of life & energy at the nano-scale by doug linman – TEDx talk
kaleidoscope TV with host dr nancy ash – newearth university faculty (part 2)
Robosapiens are Here! (article)

Written by Doug Linman, PhD – Founder of Molecular Quartermasters Corporation, and former faculty at the NewEarth University Except for handling most home needs, performing dangerous and repetitive tasks…what else can the emerging science and technology world of Robosapien People (humanoid robots) do? History: The history of robots has its roots as far back as ancient myths and