Tag Archive for: doing a 360 articles

Generosity: the 1st Paramita & Sky Meditation by Dr Nancy Ash

  This resource is a brief article by NEU Co-founding Chancellor, Reverend Dr. Nancy Ash (reprinted from the NewEarth Blog in 2019) that discusses the first paramita of generosity with basic instructions for a healthy Sky Meditation, as taught in the Tibetan Vajrayana tradition. Professor Ash has been a longtime student of Dzogchen in the Nyingma Lineage, and has taught

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kapalabhati: benefits, practice and tips by neu faculty, dr nancy ash (article)

  Written by Dr. Nancy Ash, Director of NewEarth University, a new-paradigm learning initiative of the NewEarth Project (Reprinted with permission from www.Doinga360.com) (Photos from Dr N Ash, her private collection)   A Kriya Yoga Technique called Kapalabhati is one of the Shat-Karmas (six cleansing or purification processes) as well as one of the main pranayamas or deep breathing exercises of

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