Tag Archive for: conscious co-creation

Six Pillars of NewEarth Spirituality

  The Six Pillars: An Introduction The NewEarth University (NEU)—zero-point UN-Learning arm of the worldwide NewEarth Movement—is re-framing spirituality as an energetic source-code and driving force for profound social change. NEU’s Spirituality discipline in its School of Consciousness & Spirituality is not suggesting a means of transcending out of the world, i.e., setting one’s sights on a distant Heaven or

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conscious birthing resource – birth into being

  Faculty volunteers of NEU’s School of Health & Wellness champion wellness sovereignty through sovereignty, conscious conception, conscious birth, conscious parenting, conscious living and conscious dying. A paradigm of Conscious Birthing is paramount to new ways of being in a new earth.  This is one of many educational resources suggested by the H & W team, a portal about Conscious

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Quantum Parenting For World Peace

    A paradigm of Quantum Parenting for Peace is paramount to new ways of being in a new earth. This is one of many resources from longtime NEU Health & Wellness professor Dr. Marcy Axness – a portal about her groundbreaking work. Please put her URL into your browser to access the site:  http://marcyaxness.com/  

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evolutionary non-dual spirituality model for global transformation (article)

  Researched, collated and written by faculty members and associated fellows of the NewEarth University School of Consciousness & Spirituality ~ Healing ourselves and the world: evolutionary non-dual spirituality The indivisibility of consciousness and matter has long been claimed by ancient spiritual traditions and is now being likewise asserted by modern science. If in fact consciousness and matter are indivisible,

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