Tag Archive for: chronic fight or flight

when is stress good for you? by bruce mcewen (article)

  Stress pervades our lives.  We become anxious when we hear of violence, chaos or discord.  And, in our relatively secure world, the pace of life and its demands often lead us to feel that there is too much to do in too little time.  This disrupts our natural biological rhythms and encourages unhealthy behaviors, such as eating too much

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dysautonomia: autonomic nervous system dysfunction

Dysautonomia, also known as autonomic nervous system dysfunction or disorder, is a blanket label applied to a variety of conditions that develop, at least in part, because of malfunction or faulty regulation in the involuntary nervous system. Generally speaking, there is excessive activity of the sympathetic nervous system and underactivity of the parasympathetic nervous system. Although dysautonomia is not very

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