Computer science and biology have shared a long history together. For many years, computer scientists have designed algorithms to process and analyze biological data (e.g. microarrays), and likewise, biologists have discovered several operating principles that have inspired new optimization methods (e.g. neural networks). Recently, these two directions have been converging based on the view that biological processes are inherently
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one crystal’s dance: the star mother by dan winter (PDF)
Note: Link takes you out of the NEU site: Dan Winter’s Book An ocean of Gratitude to the author Dan Winter, friend to the NewEarth Project, for allowing this book to be shared freely for educational purposes (Downloadable PDF 75 pages on the nuances of geometric keys to the resonant spirit of biology) The Star Mother / Crystal Hill
Resources of Linus Pauling
For student research: Linus C. Pauling was the only person to win two unshared Nobel Prizes. The American scientific researcher revolutionized the study of chemistry, helped found the field known as molecular biology, and also made critical advances in modern medical research. Visit the National Library of Medicine to study about Pauling: (Copy / paste that URL