Tag Archive for: ancient civilizations

immanual velikovsky’s: world in collision (book)

    Worlds in Collision – written in a brilliant, easily understandable and entertaining style and full to the brim with precise information – can be considered one of the most important and most challenging books in the history of science.  Not without reason was this book found open on Einstein’s desk after his death.  For all those who have

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babylonian and assyrian laws, contracts and letters (PDF book)

  This 1904 book (PDF), Babylonian and Assyrian Laws, Contracts and Letters by CHW Johns, MA was shared online and is downloadable for your Fair Use educational study by the Philadelphia Divinity School. We are grateful for this noble effort to advance wisdom-knowledge in this arena by leading scholars in the USA and Europe. From the Library of Ancient Inscriptions,

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ancient megaliths, historic sites (website)

  This comprehensive website is related to a different “New Earth” YouTube channel that is featured in another resource here in the NewEarth University Library.  Megaliths.org leads to a plethora of organized historic, ancient archaeological resources of various kinds (including maps) for your continued studies into the reality of our world, ie, unveiling our true history. (Photo courtesy of Dr

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michael tellinger, founder of the ubuntu movement / neu fellow

  Michael Tellinger is a longtime friend to the NewEarth Project, and is a Fellow of the NewEarth University.  Michael was our 2017 NewEarth Festival key speaker at the NE Haven in Bali, Indonesia. Read his bio here:  https://newearth.university/members/michael-tellinger/ Founder of the uBuntu Movement, Tellinger is a well known author, scientist, explorer, humanitarian and activist based in South Africa.  His

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