Tag Archive for: agro ecology

Synthropic Agriculture (Agro-forestry or Agro-Ecology)

  Learn of Syntropic Agriculture and the remarkable field known today as Agro-Forestry (AgroForestry) or Agro-Ecology (AgroEcology) from proponent Ernst Götsch. We must work together to prevent our civilization’s depletion of our precious resources. Discover more (articles) at this website by placing the URL into your browser:   http://agendagotsch.com

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Farming for a Small Planet: Agroecology Now by Frances Lappé

  From the non-profit organization: GRAIN, an article (2016) by Frances Moore Lappé on the myths of the industrial food system and the promises of agroecology. Farming for a Small Planet: Agroecology Now, place the URL in your browser to access this article at GRAIN’s site: https://grain.org/bulletin_board/entries/5457-farming-for-a-small-planet-agroecology-now Lappé is the co-founder of Food First (the Institute for Food and Development

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