newearth university
school of the living arts

empowering humanity to live fully in pure-truth

through playful, creative expression of the arts


NewEarth University’s School of The Living Arts was created by faculty, fellows and staff – gifted women and men committed to expand the planetary playground for conscious living. They engage in joyful exploration of the universal harmonics of life, endowing art, beauty and consciousness in all inspirational forms while creatively and organically expressing pure-truth for the sake of every sentient being.

The School accomplishes its mission through two disciplines of new-paradigm Learning & Education; and, Sound & Music, Visual and Performing Arts. This is a multi-faceted platform in which synergistic projects unfold and enfold in new ways of learning through healing in All LIVING Arts, which move us creatively beyond language to powerfully transform the world.


  • To transform our world into a New Earth of Oneness through the effervescent power of the living arts
  • Champion playful engagement in all spheres of influence
  • To compassionately teach and learn while espousing the core NewEarth University model of new pedagogy, which is: teach & learn – learn & teach
  • Re-calibrate ways of living that fully express our sovereign, loving, creative embodiment of pure-truth
  • Research, gather, and share a rich repository of resources to inform NewEarth Communities… and beyond
  • Create vibrant curricula to inspire, enchant, and educate children of ALL ages
  • Collaborate through whole-systems modeling to creatively lubricate fractal-moving parts of NEU and the greater, NewEarth Project

School of The Living Arts News & Events

'23 News! NEWS! March '23 ~ NEU is delighted to announce a new Administration member: Welcome Curriculum Advisor, Dr. Manely Sharifian
continue reading
’23 News!Free!News! ’22Welcome Faculty!News!

A in NEU ABCs – Articles

360 Performances

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