the newearth university
school of science & design innovation

pioneering breakthrough technologies,

life-changing state-of-the-art discoveries and inventions infusing innovative,

bio-resonant, fractal harmonic designs in all applications of energy, substance and aesthetic


NEU’s School of Science & Design Innovation (SDI) was created to facilitate full-spectrum consciousness-in-action research and development to fulfill its noble mission.

Faculty and Fellows harmonically engage in a cross-pollination environment of two Disciplines: Science & Technology (NEST) and Design & Development (D & D).

Working synergistically—in alignment with the NewEarth ethos—they help anchor a planetary ecology in an unprecedented fusion of broad-spectrum pioneering projects rooted in the spiritual sciences. Collaboration is a fractal of the NEU “brain-trust” in steadfast devotion to serving humanity, while creating cutting-edge curriculum and practical toolkit resources for developing NewEarth Communities.


  • To inspire and educate all people in the vanguard sciences and in life-changing design applications
  • Continue to support the creation of conscious NewEarth Communities through Research & Development
  • To be the exemplar for a NewEarth advancing open-sourced innovations while sharing a repository of resources

SDI School News & Events

New for You! 2 curriculum platforms launch!
continue reading
New for You!Welcome Faculty!’23 News!Free!News! ’22

A in NEU ABCs (Articles)

Video Innovations

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