the newearth university
school of natural law

empowering humanity to reclaim its sovereign birthright

while supporting collectives to pursue their shared vocation


NewEarth University’s School of Natural Law was created to help lead the planetary conversation on sovereignty while exploring innovative means to assist a global realization of the self-governance principle. The School is comprised of two key disciplines: Sovereignty and Self-Governance.

Esteemed faculty, fellows and staff develop and coordinate curriculum to support the emergence of the rule of natural law and/or facilitate self-governing women and men to engage global governance initiatives in the spirit of sovereign cooperation.

Recognizing that sovereignty is an inherent condition of human existence, and that it is imperative if the School of Natural Law’s mission is to be realized that humankind individually embody that sovereign condition in their own lives, the efforts of the School orient toward new-paradigm Un-learning and learning while empowering the individual.


Having met a core objective in June 2015 to formally launch the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ), and thereafter facilitate its inaugural seating at Runnymead (on the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta), NEU’s School of Natural Law continues to support the development of this unprecedented Initiative. Please visit the ITNJ website:

Ongoing Objectives:

  • Continue to develop and implement – in alignment with faculty, fellows, staff and affiliates – introductory curriculum in tandem with a repository of supportive resources for Natural Justice.
  • To continue to participate in worldwide symposiums for indigenous and non-indigenous leaders alike – with the goal of uniting every woman, man and child on the planet through a planetary Covenant of Fellowship.
  • To facilitate a social support network for the embodiment of the absolute sovereign condition.
  • To redress the social and political injustices wrought upon the people of the world, particularly in the developing nations.
  • To support the development and delivery of the global referenda platform as mandated by New Earth Nation members pursuant to the New Earth Treaty.

School of Natural Law News & Events

'23 News! NEWS! March '23 ~ NEU is delighted to announce a new Administration member: Welcome Curriculum Advisor, Dr. Manely Sharifian
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’23 News!Free!News! ’224 WorkshopsNews!

Natural Law Resources

Taking a Pulse

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