sovereignty: convening your own court of record


Compiled by the NewEarth University’s School of Natural Law faculty volunteers:

A court is defined as ‘the person and suit of the sovereign.’

As a sovereign (wo)man, you are by this very definition, a walking court of record. And since the very meaning of sovereignty is that the decree of the Sovereign makes the law, you (as a sovereign (wo)man) have an incredible amount of power.

You are the source of the law… or you can be if you recognize how to express it.

Understanding how to file your own case into your own court using your own claim, and how to conduct your own court – once it is properly convened – is paramount to enforcement of your inherent sovereign rights.

Before holding court it is always a good idea to notice the appropriate (wo)men to ensure they are privy to the fact.

Claim(s) for Court

Any claim should be based on a completed process (i.e. you have already obtained judgment administratively or made the appropriate claims) or an immediate, pressing issue, such as garnishment or theft. After your claim is filed you can use the following twenty-one days to complete a process if you haven’t already. Once you have perfected your process/judgment and/or gathered your evidence, you can order the magistrate to execute your Order(s).

Order(s) for Court

When the time is right you will submit an Order (or Orders) into your court for execution by the magistrate.

The order is your order, your will, your requirement that something be done resulting from the claim you filed.

For example: You claimed that your automobile, (hereinafter property), was stolen:

The wrongdoer had twenty-one days to return your property and they failed to do so.  You submitted a claim into the court for the property and damages.  You sent letters to the wrongdoer attempting to bring harmony during the next twenty-one day period that your claim sat in court.  You then issue an Order to the magistrate for the immediate return of your property and damages, for her or him to authenticate.

That’s it!

And, if for any reason he/she refuses to perform your lawful orders, you motion your court accordingly.


For a thorough guide on conducting your own Court of Record, please listen to the audios by Bill Thornton and study his website at ~ Mission: Through the courts, encouraging the Government to obey the law.

If you make yourselves sheep, the wolves will eat you.” — Benjamin Franklin

Gratitude to Bill and all those supporting natural law and helping others. Be inspired by Law Notes:

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