norval morrisseau: a portrait of an indigenous painter

The esteemed Canadian artist-Sculptor Murar, cum laude BA, MFA, OCAD U has represented Canada in North American and European juried exhibitions which includes: Berkeley, California// Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.// Tampa Museum of Art, Florida// New York City// Santa Fe, New Mexico// Colorado Springs, Colorado// Stockholm, Sweden// North Central Washington Museum, Wenatchee Washington// Le Palais Medici-Ricarrdi, Florance Italy// Finland// Camelford, England// De Moine, Iowa// and Toledo Museum of Art, Ohio among others.

Murar’s work has been exhibited extensively in Ontario, Canada and included in permanent collections such as the Library and Archives of Canada, Gatineau, Quebec (Preservation Facility, Documentary Permanent Art Collection)// Stratford Shakespeare Festival (Festival Theatre and Archives)// Home Children of Canada and in Alberta, Canada at the University of Calgary, Special Collections fonds of the American Poet William Robert Leach.

Murar works from Czechart Studio in Stratford, Ontario, Canada. Contact information on YouTube Video/ Search: Morrisseau Murar (2012).

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