new earth pure-truth symposium: “big brother out of control” meta data & dragnet surveillance exposed!


A 3-hour streamed live! eye-opening symposium created and hosted by Paul Seils and Sacha Stone in 2015, orchestrated by the NE Project team, including producer, Santi Azpilicueta.  Big Brother Out of Control shines a bright spotlight on the outrageous “smart data” meta data technology that is destroying our freedom and our lives through unauthorized ubiquitous surveillance in all countries – as a police state.  Special Panel Guests: Gerald Celente, Foster Gamble, Noam Chomsky, Paul Craig Roberts, Max Igan, and Pippa King.

“We are under siege from every direction.  I think it’s particular helpful to think in terms of how do we respond to this attack effectively and ideally…non violently.” – Foster Gamble

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