meet neu faculty, dr ramesh (2017 documentary)


Created by Dr. Segu Krishna Ramesh’s students, this 27-min. video filmed in Mongolia (during a 9-day workshop in 2017) documents the philosophy of his work based on decades as a surgeon and subsequent teacher helping people awaken to the higher principles within themSelves.  His essential message: Awaken the teacher WITHIN!

A senior advisor at NEU’s School of Consciousness & Spirituality, and School of Health & Wellness, Dr. Ramesh joined the faculty in 2018.  He has an illustrious background of experience as a qualified Medical Doctor, a Professor and Consultant of Traumatology, Orthopedic Surgery, PhD in Wellness Sciences and DSc Transformational Sciences and Age Management Sciences.

(This documentary was initiated by the Public Conscious Awakening Center – “Thank You Center” NGO, Mongolia.)

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