Dr Michael’s EES Treatment Case Study by Michael Cook, D.C. (PDF)


Gratitude to NEU’s School of Science & Design Innovation Fellow/Faculty, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael for sharing a 95-page research paper compiled in 2008 by Michael Cook, D.C.. The study comprises 12 patient files after using the EES treatment (scalar tech) invented by Dr. Michael. The emphasis of Dr. Cook’s study was to show (prove) that the EES treatment does raise cellular energy.

Downloadable PDF for your study (patient names were redacted to honor privacy):

Dr Sandra Michael’s EES_95-pg Reseach Paper by Michael Cook_Treatment Case Study 2008

Visit Dr. Michael’s Future of Medicine Workshop – OPEN enrollment – at her Applied Integrative Bio-Physics digital classroom: https://newearth.university/courses/applied-integrative-bio-physics/


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