bringing it home: a new hemp documentary



A preview of the feature documentary BRINGING IT HOME by Linda Booker and Blaire Johnson. A father’s search to find the healthiest building materials leads him to the completion of the nation’s first hemp house. Hemp with lime is a non-toxic, energy efficient, mildew, fire and pest resistant building material. The drawback — although research is legal in some states, hemp remains off-limits to almost all U.S. farmers.  Industrial hemp is a non-psychoactive plant, grown in 31 other countries that makes 1,000’s of sustainable products and offers solutions for global warming, nutrition, poverty and deforestation.  Here in the U.S., hemp could be a money-making crop for farmers and create jobs. But why can’t we grow it here? “Bringing it Home” tells the story of hemp: past, present and future and a global industry that includes textiles, building materials, food products, bio-plastics, auto parts and more.

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