ancient futures festival at newearth haven-bali

ART has the power to help catalyze change… join us April 5-9, 2017

The Ancient Futures NewEarth Festival, Bali 2017 launches in April.  Participate in a new wave of festivals that aim to be a catalyst for change, bringing Oneness to participants of all ages.  Express yourself through creativity, art, music and dance.

Ancient Futures is a global gathering of aligned hearts and minds coming together to co-create a sustainable, solution-based vision of our future through play, movement, learning, teaching, celebration, and an exploration of the elements.
We invite you to be part of our first year seed community, to expand your knowledge and participate through our Symposium workshops and talks while expressing yourself through art and music over a 5-day immersion in the natural and nurturing environment of Bali.
Ancient Futures is both about remembering and honoring who we are, in connection with the land, the firmament and each other, and about utilizing all the information, materials and technology we can access in order to shift paradigms and evolve collective consciousness to the next stage.

© NewEarth University

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