free resources

Declaration of Wellness Sovereignty

  The following Declaration of Wellness Sovereignty was created – and gifted to you – by the many talented and devoted faculty members of the NewEarth University School of Health & Wellness.       Declaration of Wellness Sovereignty     Be it known that I, ___________________________________________________________, do hereby declare myself to be a sovereign individual; a living breathing human

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1920’s Prediction of the Banksters’ STRAWMAN

Colonel Edward Mandell House Predicts the Creation of the STRAWMAN in the USA   (From the private papers of Woodrow Wilson) In a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson (US President 1913 – 1921) Colonel House predicted the banksters’ plans to enslave the American people. He stated: “Very soon, every American will be required to register their biological property (that’s you

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Declaration of Sovereignty (share widely)

Your Declaration of Sovereignty gifted by members of the NewEarth Movement and NEU faculty & fellows of the School of Natural Law         Declaration of Sovereignty     Be it known that I, _____________________________________, do hereby declare myself to be a sovereign individual; a living breathing human being endowed by my creator with certain natural rights. Recognizing that

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World Health Sovereignty Summit ’23

  Launched (streamed & recorded LIVE) on September 11 of 2023 by host and panel moderator Sacha Stone with renowned guests Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Del Bigtree and Dr. Naomi Wolf, the World Health Sovereignty Summit (WHSS) continues through October, finishing in November 2023. WHSS 2023 is not just an event – it’s a revolution. Join us as we bring together

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Healthy Fun Facts

A few healthy fun facts from the School of Health & Wellness faculty members:   Did you know that yawning is quite good for your health and well being?   While reading now… start to yawn a few times in a relaxed manner. Based on research in this arena, yawning several times yields these following benefits: cools the brain increases

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NEU by Co-founding Chancellor, Dr Nancy Ash

  The NewEarth University (NEU): “It is fruitless to spend your energy fighting against the old broken systems of education. We must embrace the antiquated infrastructure to transform and transmute it with love into the harmonic heart of REAL education. First we UN-learn and then learn the pure truth while adapting to a fresh environment – a sanctuary. So… we

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Research 15 million+ Resources (web site) is providing researchers with access to scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works and proceedings. Place URL in your browser:  Millions of scientific documents at your fingertips solely for private, educational, personal, scientific, or research purposes .. access, browse, view, display, search, download and print the Content from that site. Please carefully read their Terms of

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FREE Physiology Books by Dr. John Campbell, PhD (PDFs)

  An ocean of gratitude to the one-and-only Dr. John Lorimer Campbell, PhD (England, UK) for kindly gifting the world with his seminal educational workbooks in Physiology and Pathophysiology. He also has about 50 publications in various nursing journals. In 2023 – according to his recent video (1-4-23) at YouTube – he’s now made his books free in the public domain

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What are NewEarth Initiatives?

  We must all step up now to initiate and embody an unfolding of events that benefit and elevate humanity beyond slavery and into the supra-beautification of organic existence in resonance with one another. Our individual attributes and expressions of creativity must reign freely within the human ecosystem as we initiate humanity into sovereignty. Those who have controlled humanity have

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Organic Raw Crackers Recipe by Lynda Jakiro (PDF)

  This healthy resource was gifted to you from Lynda Jakiro – submitted by the School of Health & Wellness Natural Treatments Scientific Research Faculty, Lewis Montague. It is a 1-page downloadable PDF of instructions to make organic dehydrated raw crackers. To your health! ORGANIC DEHYDRATED RAW CRACKERS (She’s Gone Crackers! photo courtesy of Dr. Ash, from her private collection.)

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Plant-based Diet PDF by Lewis Montague

  This simple inspirational resource was gifted to NEU from its School of Health & Wellness Natural Treatments Scientific Research Faculty, Lewis Montague (and Lynda). It is a 1-page downloadable PDF about their own plant-based diet. To your health! NEU Faculty Lewis M and Lynda’s diet_Library Resource   (Pom Heaven, photo courtesy of Dr. Ash, from her private collection.)

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NEU Whitepaper on Covid-19 Global Situation – Brazilian Portuguese Translation

  August, 2020 ~ BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE TRANSLATION Muito obrigado! For our Portuguese-speaking siStars and brothers around the world, the NewEarth University (NEU) COVID-19 WHITEPAPER (7-pages) compiled and written by Thomas J. Brown, is downloadable for you. A longtime NEU Fellow on the Faculty as Science Director of the School of Science & Design Innovation, Brown has created this seminal paper that is informed

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